User Brief: Design for Empathy 3 Innovation Story Empathy Map Based off your deep dive with the user, jot down quotes, thoughts, Customer Journey What are the highs and lows of the current experience for the user? believes and observations: (1) She hits the gym 6 days a week and makes time to fit it in her busy schedule; she loves the thrill of the challenge each day (2) Working out is not just what she does – it is a part of who she is Pushing herself (3) She sprained her ankle severely two weeks ago and it’s stopped her from being active, with workout, Going on runs which she says has, “… Affected my [her] mood and how I feel about myself – I don’t feel friends, and in new cities as energized during the day, and it’s frustrating that this injury is keeping me from living my her trainer that she travels life” to; having the Using Nike+ freedom and (4) She wants more than anything to, “get back to what I love (running) and who I am” to track her flexibility to fitness goals stay active given her busy (5) She works with her personal trainer during her weekly sessions, but is unsure of what schedule exercises she can do on her own that are intensive, but will not further strain her ankle Does light exercises in order to burn Injured during a run energy; wishes there were a way to get a complete workout despite her injury Persona Madlib Based on your deep dive, see if you can fill this out (note, you don’t have Find the insight Based on your work, find your insight, defined as a “new understanding, to ask these questions - but a good litmus test of whether you know your as a result of which action may be taken and an enterprise more efficiently user, is whether you can guess these answers: conducted.” (Optional reading: Why is a Good Insight Like a Refrigerator?) Amy 25 S/He is named _______________________________________________ and is _______ years old. FROM: ____________________________________________________________________ (old world) minimalism, traveling, and product marketing sidelined and frustrated S/he has a passion for _________________________________________________________________, unstoppable negativity and pollution TO: ____________________________________________________________________ (new bliss) but dislikes __________________________. surf and cook with friends Finally, summarize the above by creating a “user as hero” sentence: In his/her spare time, s/he likes to ____________________________________________________. Apple bareMinerals and his/her favorite brands are _________________________ , _________________________ and Amy _________________________. Ordinary person, named______________________________________________(persona’s name), Patagonia of suffering from a severe ankle sprain that stops her from being active faces extraordinary odds ___________________________________________________ (challenge) S/He desperately needs our new innovation because s/he faces a significant challenge of not letting her injury stop her from staying active being sidelined due to a running injury to achieve something quite remarkable______________________________________ (new bliss) _____________________________________________________________________________________, she is an active person who wants to burn energy and feel healthy which is important because ____________________________________________________________. the Nike+ Unstoppable app by means of the new innovation ________________________________________________(name). 4 5
Finding Your Purpose: Brief Page 1