Finding Your Purpose: Brief
Purpose Brief: Design for Purpose 2 Innovation Story Instructions In this brief, you will clarify your company’s purpose, identify an area of future growth (which your innovation will help fuel), and select role models as guides (for inspiration and for “analogous” learning). The goal of this brief is to align internal stakeholders so there is a common understanding of what the company stands for and what company need you are trying to solve for. What is your company’s unique purpose or calling in the world? What is your point of Your future growth is often inspired by role models. Write down 1-2 role model(s) that your differentiation relative to competition? Tip: look at your company’s website for insight on the company admires – ideally from both inside and outside your industry. Jot down why you questions. believe your company admires them. Nike is a leading sports apparel company whose mission is “to bring inspiration and innovation to every - Apple, innovative company, quality goods. Let’s say if Apple made clothes, Nike would wear them. athlete* in the world (*and if you have a body, you’re an athlete).” Apple’s retail experience is second to none. Although Nike designs its products specifically for performance athletes (the top 1% of competitive athletes), - Nordstroms these products also appeal to fitness athletes (everyone else), no matter the stage of their athletic journey. - Everlane Nike campaigns have attempted to address their athlete and non-athlete customer segments by weaving an inspiring and bold story around the universal experiences all athletes share. - Marriott Hotels (hospitality in general for its focus on premium service) Nike’s brand personality can be described as bold, confident, athletic, and performance-oriented. Nike - Tesla prides itself on using technology and innovation to serve athletes, but also have a strong emotional appeal to athletes, inspiring them to train harder and compete at their best. - Starbucks (employee training and rolling out of new policies) What is your company’s growth strategy - where are you going? Feel free to jot down a few “Purpose” Madlib areas of growth. To help athletes progress in concrete ways. Now the way that statement takes shape across different Summarize your insights above by completing this madlib cultures and audience varies. Here are some areas to think about: Company X __________________________________________________________ (your company) Keeping up with (and exceeding the expectations of) our diverse user groups – The Nike NIKE extreme user is millennial who lives and loves health and fitness, and always motivates and inspires cutting edge innovation, premium products, and a bold yet inclusive brand themselves to reach new goals and lead an active lifestyle. For more details: stands for ____________________________________________________________________________ personality meant to appeal to all athletes watch?v=zzbjEMaDjrk ___________________________________________ (point of differentiation relative to competition), Innovate our digital strategy – How do we leverage virtual and user-generated content to connect to you do not have to be Lebron James or Serena Williams was founded based on a belief that _____________________________________________________ customers? to be a great, competitive athlete who can improve your game with Nike Products Connect digital and physical retail experiences: How can we use this integration to differentiate Nike ______________________________________________________________________________ (calling), from the (many) competitive brands that have recently introduced or plan to introduce their own app? helping athletes progress in concrete ways and is going toward _________________________________________________ (growth strategy). 2 3
Finding Your Purpose: Brief Page 2